IITs are considered as supreme institutions for engineering in India. So it is obvious that exams to enter in these supreme institutions will not be a cake walk. There are two exams which have to be cracked to become an IITian. I would rather use a Hindi word - "TAPASYA" in place of "preparation" for these exams because tapasya means forgetting every thing around you and just concentrate on meditation, same applies in the preparation for JEE.
Now the question is - "Can I complete this "Tapasya" and get the "Karma Fal" i.e., an entrance ticket to IITs?"
The answer is pretty simple. It do not matters, how you are doing in your school academics, or you are average or below average student. The thing which matters most is your passion and dedication for IIT. And this passion will change your mindset which will result in success.

So, now passion is developed in you but at the same time another question arises - "What is the right time to start this "Tapasya" i.e., preparation for JEE?"
You might have heard that some children start foundation courses from 6th class. But I don't find any point in this because in foundation courses syllabus is same which they are being taught in school. So, there are two answers for this question.
You can start preparing for JEE from class 11th because the questions in this exam are from class 11th and 12th. You can rather join a coaching because they shape you specifically for JEE exam.
The other face of the coin is - "What if I did not start preparation from class 11th?"
No worries for those students who want to start preparation after class 12th. The only thing they have to do is to give more time and hard work to studies and manage time smartly because they will be revising 2 year's syllabus in 1 year.
So, now goal has been set and preparations are about to begin for INDIA's toughest exam but before all of these, we should know about the exam patterns, no. of attempts, marking system and other important stuffs. So stay tuned for my next blog of IIT series.


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